Islam Aberdeen

Islam Aberdeen is an independent organization aimed at fulfilling the obligation of delivering the authentic message of Islam, according to the Qur’an and Sunnah, to Muslims and non-Muslims in Aberdeen and surrounding areas.

The Islam Aberdeen Granite City Dawah Team at one of its regular weekly sessions at St. Nicholas Square

Islam Aberdeen was formed in September 2012, shortly after a da’wah training course provided by Imran ibn Mansur (aka Dawah Man). What resulted out of that was regular weekly da’wah stall in the city centre (outside Mark & Spencer’s) which has been ongoing since September 2012 by our Granite City Da’wah Team Alhamdulillah.

Literature: Islam Aberdeen has sourced many da’wah literature materials including over 3,000 copies of the Qur’an as well as other booklets on Islam for the yet-to-be-muslims. This material is distributed weekly at our street da’wah stall.

Events: So far we have been able to, with the help and support from the other organisations, invite many prominent muslim speakers from all over the world to Aberdeen to deliver lectures such as:

This events have catered for the muslim community providing important reminders as well as for the yet-to-be-muslims who are in need of clarifying their misconceptions and increasing knowledge on Islam.

Da’wah manual: Islam Aberdeen has also prepared a guide on how to give da’wah. Please download a pdf copy here.

There is a lot of work yet to be done for the future.

  • The Granite City Da’wah Team will shall in shaa Allah continue with the da’wah stall every Sunday 10am-1pm.
  • We would like to train more muslims in being able to be confident in presenting the correct message of Islam.
  • We would like to hold more beneficial events for the muslims and the yet-to-be muslims.
  • We would like to get involved more with the muslim youth possibly having events with fun activities such as sports, swimming, etc.
  • We would also like to get active in the wider community helping the needy, cleaning the streets, clearing snow, having soup kitchencs, etc.

Please feel free to contact us on: for any information or if you would like to get involved. Feel free to check our work on our facebook and youtube channels (where you will find video recordings of some of the events)
