We are changing our Bank Details

Asalam Aleikum,
As part of the changes to its new SCIO institutional structure, the Aberdeen Mosque and Islamic
Centre is now migrating to a new bank account. The details are as follows:

Bank: Bank Of Scotland
Name: Aberdeen Mosque and Islamic Centre SCIO
Sort Code: 80-22-60
Account number: 17690460

Please update any standing orders you may have to these new details.

Jazakallah Kheir
The Aberdeen Mosque and Islamic Centre


The new moon of Shawwal has been sighted therefore the Day of Eid al-Fitr 1439H is on Friday 15th June 2018.

🔹 Follow the Sunnah and join us for Eid Salah @ Beach Leisure Centre, Sea Beach, Aberdeen, AB24 5NR.

🔸 First Prayer Arrival 8:30am | Jama’ah 9:00am

🔹 Second Prayer Arrival 10:00am | Jama’ah 10:30am

Eid Mubarak to you and your family!

Taqabbal Allaahu minna wa minkum – May Allah accept (this worship) from us and from you.

Aberdeen Mosque and Islamic Centre